
Aalto University hosted the CLUSTER Steering Committee 2023

7.9.-8.9.2023 marks the commencement of the Consortium Linking Universities of Science and Technology for Education and Research (CLUSTER) Steering Committee II-2023 hosted by Aalto University. Being a symbol of collaboration within the European education and research community, CLUSTER is a consortium of 11 European Universities in Science and Engineering with associate members from around the world.
Aalto University, CLUSTER Steering Committee II-2023
Aalto University, CLUSTER Steering Committee II-2023. Photo: Mikko Raskinen

The CLUSTER alliance held the working group meetings on September 7th, 2023, with discussions revolving around seven key themes. Notable highlights include the European University Initiatives (EUI) working group's discussions on CLUSTER's role in European alliances, the Mobility and Blended Intensive Program (BIP) working group's plans to enhance educational mobility, and the Associated Partners working group's efforts to expand CLUSTER's global reach, promoting international collaboration in education and research. Additionally, the CLUSTER Steering Committee meeting on September 8th allowed working group leaders to share their projects and initiatives and foster innovation and collaboration within the alliance.

In his opening speech Dr. Luc Sels, President of CLUSTER and rector of KU Leuven, proclaimed that the network meeting shows what CLUSTER truly stands for an operational network of friends and universities eager to join forces, an exchange of knowledge and creative ideas that strengthen us all, and a platform of partners who share the determination to promote impact, excellence, and quality in research, education, and societal engagement.

Aalto University Vice President Petri Suomala, who represents Aalto University within CLUSTER, emphasized the significance of framing the CLUSTER network as an international collaborative platform. He underscored the crucial role of Lifewide learning and highlighted innovation and entrepreneurship as essential instruments for international networks to advance Lifewide learning, ultimately impacting both local and global communities.

The event agenda also featured a captivating keynote presentation titled "Multispecies Sustainability in the Classroom: Teaching Transitions to Non-anthropocentric Futures," presented by Dr. İdil Gaziulusoy, an associate professor at Aalto University renowned for her work in Sustainable Design. 

The CLUSTER Steering Committee offered a valuable platform for information sharing, project development, and the advancement of science and technology in education and research. “Every visit to Aalto University is a genuine pleasure, and the university once again demonstrated its best qualities today as a warm and attentive host that leaves nothing to chance”, concluded President Luc Sels. The outcome of the meeting and the minutes will be published on the CLUSTER web pages. 

More information about the CLUSTER Steering Committee II is available here. For more information on the CLUSTER network contact Kirsi Kettula ([email protected]).

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