Workshops - Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture


In the weaving workshop, woven fabrics are created through studying the effects of materials and colours on different textile structures.
Arts_Infra - Weaving Workshop by Jaakko Kahilaniemi

In the weaving workshop, woven fabrics are created through studying the effects of materials and colours on different textile structures. The study of weaving progresses step-by-step, starting with basic shuttle looms and moving towards jacquard technology and industrial textile weaving. Different kinds of looms, weaving machines, standard warps, and tufting machines used for fabric techniques are all available for use by students both on the weaving courses and also in different kinds of study and research projects and artistic work.

The uses of woven fabrics created in the weaving workshop vary from use in clothing and interior design to different-scaled artistic works and material experiments.

Facilities, equipment, tools and materials

• industrial jacquard weaving machine
• computer-aided TC-2 jacquard looms
• 16-, 24- and 32-shaft computer-aided looms
• shuttle looms, working width 80–150cm
• compressed-air tufting machine and 300x120cm frame
• manual tufting machine and 70x70cm frame
• extensive fabric supplies for courses, fabric maps of domestic and international material suppliers (for purchase of materials)

Work permits and orientation

A work permit is required for working in the workshop. The work permit is specific to the individual and is granted to students that have taken a basic weaving course (Kudotut kankaat or Woven Fabrics Studio) or have an equivalent level of weaving skills.


  • Course feedback is given at the end of the course via the online feedback system.
  • You can also send suggestions for developing the workshop to the following address: [email protected]. Write “Feedback on Weaving” in the subject field of the message.
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