
NODUS TALKS Tulevaisuudenkuvat – Mitä? Miksi? Miten?

NODUS TALKS -sarjan järjestää Aalto-yliopiston NODUS Sustainable Design -tutukimusryhmä tuoden yhteen tutkijoita ja ammatinharjoittajia muotoiluun, innovaatioihin ja kestävyyteen liittyvien aiheiden äärelle. Esitysten jälkeen on paneelikeskustelu, molemmat englanniksi.
NODUS Talks May 2024


İdil Gaziulusoy
İdil Gaziulusoy


İdil Gaziulusoy is a sustainability scientist and design researcher, Professor of Sustainable Design, and the leader of NODUS Research Group at Aalto University. In her talk she will introduce experiential futures as a potential approach for democratising imagining and discussing sustainable futures.

Anu Seisto
Anu Seisto


Anu Seisto leads the Future customer team at VTT, combining foresight and human-centric approaches. In her talk she will give an example, from a study on the future of food, of how experiencing possible futures can make it easier for people from different backgrounds to discuss and share ideas and opinions.

The event is free, but please register as seats are limited.

NODUS Talks May 2024 banner

NODUS Sustainable Design

Nodus tutkimusryhmäläisiä keskustelemassa

NODUS – Sustainable design research group

Kestävän muotoilun tutkimusryhmä NODUS tekee poikkitieteellistä tutkimusta kestävän tulevaisuuden eteen.

Muotoilun laitos
NODUS Research Group Activities


Here you can find coming and past events from NODUS Sustainable Design Research Group

Department of Design
Creative Sustainability student group presenting their solution in front of a class.

NODUS Research Projects

This page contains information on the projects NODUS researchers are part of.

Department of Design
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